
Welcome to GLAAS API documentation. This page provides detailed information about API-as-a-service offerings in the GLAAS platform. GLAAS platform provides APIs to build and embed financial products in any digital platform.

GLAAS APIs are built around REST. It uses standard HTTP verbs and response code. JSON-encoded responses are returned back to the client.

We will continue to update/add new APIs to cater to new use cases in a more seamless fashion. If you have any specific needs or feedback, do reach out to us at shailesh@gromor.in , sumanth.bharadwaj@gromor.in

About Glaas API

Base URL

We use dedicated URLs for different environments.
Production :
Auth URL - https://accounts.gromor.in
Base URL - https://jportal.gromor.in/api
Sandbox :
Auth URL - https://accounts.dev.gromor.in
Base URL - https:// < partnerID > .dev.gromor.in

HTTP Verbs

Standard HTTP Verbs are used across all the APIs to indicate the request method.
GET To retrieve a resource or collection of resources
POST To create a resource or collection of resources
PUT To replace or modify an existing resource.

Error Codes

We use standard HTTP error codes.

  • 400 Bad Request The request is invalid
  • 401 Unauthorised The session ID is not valid
  • 403 Forbidden Not allowed to access the specific endpoint
  • 500 Internal server error

Core APIs


Authentication to APIs are performed through HTTP Basic Auth. User needs to provide the username and password and the authentication API will return a session token as response which will be used for all subsequent API calls. Please find the details of the request and response in the Authentication .

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String Yes
password String Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 sessionId String session ID / Access Token
username String The username field of User Object
user User


Create Application

Creates a loan application in the system and returns the corresponding unique identifier requestFlowId associated with the application

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
applicationNumber String The optional application number used by the GLAAS partners No Max Length : 50
purpose Working Capital | Personal Loan | Equipment Finance | Expansion Capital Loan purpose Yes ENUM
loanAmount Numeric The requested loan amount Yes
source String Source of the application. Yes Max Length : 50
loanProductId Numeric Unique id of the Loan product Yes
contacts Contact List of contacts Yes
firms Firm List of firms Yes
proposalDetail ProposalDetail Loan specific terms and conditions approved by the lender. Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 SuccessMessage ApplicationSuccessMessage Application is successfully created
400 ErrorMessage ApplicationErrorMessage Application is not created due to bad request


Upload Document

Generic API to upload different types and/or formats of documents

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>
Parameters requestFlowId : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > String The location of the File has to be the form data in the request. N

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 documentUpload
The document is successfully uploaded in the server

Download Loan Agreement

Downloads a Loan Agreement that need to be signed by the Applicant for accepting the terms and conditions of Loan.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
docName LOAN_DOCUMENT Document Name Y ENUM

Response Body

Status Response Body Description
200 Pdf file The downloadable data is sent to client as response


Create Loan

Loan Creation API will create the loan object once the application is processed and credit disbursement is done.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters requestFlowId path : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
accountNumber String Disbursement account number N
netAmount Numeric Disbursement amount Y
disbursementDate DateTime Disbursement date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate N
invoiceNumber String Invoice Number N The invoice number shall be unique for each loan/sub-loan

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 Loan Loan Loan object is successfully created.

Line sanction

Line sanction API is to acknowledge the verification and approval of proposal. It will create a line for the requestFlowId. It allows batch requestFlowId sanctions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numerics] Unique id of the application Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineSanctionResponse] The decision on Line
requests are made

Line Details

Provide point-in-time snapshot of the line status of all the requestFlowIds mentioned in the request.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numeric] Unique id of the application Y
paymentDate Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineDetails [LineDetails] The Line details of requested applications are provided on specific payment date


Line Disbursement

The API will create a transaction in the system for each requestFlowId with the corresponding amount. It also triggers internal audit APIs for proper auditing of all the successful transactions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineDisbursement] List of objects having disbursement information Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineDisbursement
Disbursement is done
for all the applications


The APIs are called on successful credit of EMI or any other payment in the lender's bank account. This API will map the bank transactions with the LMS system.

Loan Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for term loans

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LoanRepaymentDetail] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LoanRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for line of credit

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineRepayment] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment Status

The API returns the status of the repayment process for each transaction which was initiated by the Line Repayment

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid [uid] unique ids of Repayment Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentStatusResponse] Success

Loan Repayment Schedule

The Repayment schedule API will provide detailed information on EMI repayment dates and the amount to be paid through out the loan life cycle

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters loanId path : Loan Id
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 id Default Mongo DB generated id Object having id related information
loanId Numeric Loan Id
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
principal_schedule [RepaymentSchedule] Object having installment schedule information
deleted Boolean
subLoanId Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products



Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
addressLine1 String House No / Street Y Max Length : 500
addressLine2 String Area / Locality N Max Length : 500
addressLine3 String City / State / Country N Max Length : 500
landmark String Popular landmark in
the nearby locality.
N Max Length : 500
pincode String Postal Index Number Y Length : 6
addressType Permanent | Present Type of address Y ENUM
addressStatus Owned | Rented
| Spouse Owned | Parent
Owned | Leased
Ownership of address Y ENUM
primaryAddress Boolean Whether the address is primary address or not Y Boolean


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
status HTTP error code HTTP error codes
to mention
the reasons
for not
creating the
message [String] The list of
error reasons.


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
message String Custom message
that will be sent
to the client on
successful creation
of application


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
bankId Numeric Bank Id
which needs
to be selected
from Bank
API response
accountNumber String Account number Y Max Length : 50
ifscCode String IFSC code of the branch Y Max Length : 20
accountType Saving Account |
Current Account |
Overdraft Account |
Cash Credit Account
Type of account Y ENUM
accountHolderName String Name of account
N Max Length : 100
disbusermentAccount Boolean To specify
whether the
loan amount
has to be
disbursed to
this bank
N One of the bank
details should
be True
repaymentAccount Boolean To specify
whether to register
this bank account
to be used for
loan repayments


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firstName String First Name Y Max Length : 100
middleName String Middle Name N Max Length : 100
lastName String Last Name Y Max Length : 100
panNumber String PAN card number Y Length : 10
voterIdNumber String Voter Id number N Length : 20
aadharNumber String Aadhar Card Number N Length : 12
passportNumber String Passport number N Max Length : 100
mobileNumber String Mobile Number Y Length : 10
alternateMobileNumber String Alternative mobile Number N Length : 10
emailId String Email Id N Max Length : 100
applicantType Borrower |
Co-borrower |
By Association
Type of application Y ENUM
gender Male | Female Gender Y ENUM
dob Date Date of birth Y Format :
maritalStatus Single | Married Marital status N ENUM
address [Address] List of multiple
address of
the contact
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank
details of
the contact


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric Unique id
name String Name of credit bureau. For eg: CIBIL


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
priority Numeric Sequence of priority
creditBureau [CreditBureau]


Name Type Description
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
version Numeric Document version
createdDate Timestamp
modifiedDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user uploading the document
modifiedBy Numeric The user id of the user modifying the document
id Numeric Document id
gfile File File object having document type and storage information
deleted Boolean Whether the document is deleted or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
version Numeric File version Y
createdDate Timestamp Y
modifiedDate Timestamp Y
deleted Boolean Whether the file is deleted or not Y
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user creating the file Y
id Numeric File id Y
documentName String Name of the document stored Y
uploadDocumentType Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
documentType Numeric < To be deprecated > Y
documentSource String Storage location of the document Y
ocrJson FileOCRData Data extracted from OCR N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tag Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
error [OCRFields] List of all the errors in case on OCR parsing failure Y
time Decimal Time taken to process the document Y
fields [OCRFields] List of all the data extracted in the document Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firmName String Firm Name Y Max Length : 100
firmType Partnership | Proprietorship | Private Limited | LLP | Others Firm Type Y ENUM
cinNumber String Company registration number N Length : 21
gstnNumber String GSTN Number N Length : 15
panNumber String PAN card number N Length : 10
yearOfIncorporation String Company registration date Y Format : yyyy
tanNumber String TAN number N Length : 10
address [Address] List of multiple address of the Firm Y
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank details of the Firm Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
sub_loans [SubLoan] List of all the active subloans associated with an application. Serviced/Closed sub-loan details are not available in this API. Y
limit_available Numeric The amount that can be drawn Y
limit_utilized Numeric The amount that has already been utilized Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric The max eligible amount Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total defaulted amount (cumulative of all Lines) Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total outstanding principal component. (cumulative of all Lines) Y
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
Numeric Interest component defaulted. (cumulative of all Lines) Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
netAmount Numeric Actual amount to be disbursed excluding all the fees withheld. Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
date Date Date of disbursement Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
tenure Numeric Tenure of Line in days N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status Accepted | Rejected Disbursement Status Y
message String Descriptive message of the disbursement status Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
callBackUrl String Y
repaymentDetails [LoanRepaymentDetail] Repayment Details Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Unique id of repayment Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the repayment is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Repayment amount Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Comment related to repayment Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status String Repayment Status Y ENUM


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the line is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric user id of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Loan id
proposal proposal Proposal Object
disbursementDate Timestamp
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdDate < To be deprecated >
completed 1 | 0 To indicate whether the loan is serviced and closed or not
status Numeric id of loan status. This shall be deprecated.
documentSent Boolean Loan Document is sent to client or not
documentReceived Boolean Loan Document is received from client or not
signedDocument Boolean Loan Document is signed or not
disbursementAccount Boolean Whether the amount is disbursed into the disbursement account or not.
isTdsWithheld Boolean Whether to deduct TDS or not
Boolean Customer has accepted the repayment schedule or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
firm Firm Firm object
loanStatus NEW | SERVICED Status of the loan ENUM
deferredDate Timestamp Date of delayed installment payment.
loan_commission Decimal Loan commission for the partner
followUpDate Timestamp Follow up date for collection (internal use) Format
collectionAssignee Numeric user id of collection agent
Numeric user id of secondary collection agent
relationshipManager Numeric user id of Loan Manager
collectionManager Numeric user id of Collection Manger
irr Decimal Internal rate return (IRR) - Only for serviced loans
loanClosureDate Timestamp Loan closure date
settementDate Timestamp Loan settlement date
writeOffDate Timestamp Loan write off date
loanRestructureDate Timestamp Loan restructure date
paymentMode NACH | CHEQUE | SELF_PAY | ASSISTED Payment mode ENUM
subloanId String id of sub loan object. (Only for Line of credit products)
invoiceNo String Invoice Number (Only for Line of Credit product)
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate (Only for Line of Credit product)
tenure Numeric Tenure of the sub-loan in days (Only for Line of Credit product)
roi Decimal Rate of interest for sub-loan (Only for Line of Credit product)
processingInvoiceNo String Processing fee invoice number
isWelcomeEmailSent Boolean Welcome email is sent to the customer or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric ID of loan product / loan structure
name String Name
requiredValue Numeric
productType SECURED | UNSECURED Product type ENUM
Decimal Max limit on this product
Decimal Min limit on this product
PaymentType Payment Type
omnifinId Numeric
CreditBureauPrioritySchema Sequence of credit bureaus to fetch the information
bankId Numeric Bank ID
repaymentType PaymentType Payment Type


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Amount Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Payment Date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Inflow Comment N
uid String Unique id of repayment N
loanId Numeric Loan Id N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Inflow id Y
loan_id Numeric Loan Id Y
Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Numeric Repayment amount Y
date Timestamp Repayment date Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y ENUM
agent_id Numeric Id of collection agent Y
comment String Additioanal comment on repayment Y
payment_mode String Payment mode Y ENUM
created_date Timestamp Y
modified_date Timestamp Y
uid Numeric Unique id of repayments Y
taxes < To be deprecated > N
fiz_type Inflow Type Y ENUM
version Numeric Y
deleted 0 | 1 Y
created_by Numeric The user id of the user initiating repayment Y
modified_by Numeric The user id of the user modifying repayment Y
deferred_date Timestamp Y
application_id Numeric application id of the request flow object Y
tds_deducted Boolean < To be deprecated > Y
subloan_id Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
key String Name of the field extracted Y
value String Value of the field extracted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
principal Numeric Principal component defaulted Y
interest Numeric Interest component defaulted. Y
penalty Numeric Penal charges Y
charges Numeric Pother charges Y
delayed_interest Numeric Delayed Interest charges Y
penalty_gst Numeric GST for penal charges Y
charge_gst Numeric GST for charges Y
total_overdue Numeric Total (principal + interest) default amount Y
Numeric Interest component defaulted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
id Numeric Unique id of payment type
typeOfPayment String Payment Type
merchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - production
merchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - production
devMerchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - UAT
devMerchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - UAT


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Proposal id
firm Firm
applicationId Numeric Application id associated with requestFlowId
status Numeric Unique id of proposal status ENUM
tenure Numeric Tenure of the proposal
proposedAmount Decimal
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment
rateOfInterest Decimal Rate of Interest
upfront_rate Decimal Percentage of upfront charges
Decimal Percentage of processing fee
Decimal Additional interest rate on prepayment of loan
loanType String Type of loan ENUM
proposedEmi Decimal EMI proposed
Timestamp Date of proposal sent to customer
netDisbursal Decimal Net amount to be disbursed. (Deducting other charges mentioned in the proposal)
gstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
insurance Decimal Insurance amount
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
processingFeesGst Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
insuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
conditionsPrecedent String Conditions to be met before disbursing the loan
finezzaCharges Decimal Penalty on payment bounce
firstEmiDay Numeric Day of the month for EMI
repaymentType Monthly | Weekly | Daily | Fortnightly | Custom Loan repayment mode ENUM
fizLoanType String Type of loan
preferredType Boolean
fizGstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
fizInsuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
proposalStatus String Proposal status ENUM
Boolean Upfront interest is applicable or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique ID of the application
Timestamp Date of Proposal accepted by customer
nachLimit Decimal The max limit of NACH amount
loanStructure Loan Product
loanProduct Loan Product
isFranking Boolean Franking charges are applicable or not
numOfCoLender Numeric Number of lending partners
paymentDelay Decimal
Boolean Insurance is applicable or not on disbursement
Decimal Processing fee
latePaymentFee Decimal Penalty on late payment
Numeric Grace period before incurring penalty
delayedInterest Decimal Interest rate on delayed payment
source source
upFrontInterest Decimal rate of upfront interest


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tenure Numeric Validity of Loan / Line Y
amountApproved Numeric Amount approved Y
amountDisbursed Numeric Disbursed amount N
upFrontInterest Decimal Upfront interest rate N
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment Y
nachLimit Numeric The max limit of NACH amount Y
roi Decimal Rate of interest per annum Y
paymentMode Cash| Cheque Deposit | Cheque Return | IMPS | NEFT | RTGS | NACH | UPI |Overflow Credit | Fund Transfer | Internal Transfer | Paytm Mode of Payment Y ENUM
proposalAcceptedDate String Proposal accepted date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
insuranceAmount Decimal Insurance amount N
processingFee Decimal Processing fee N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Unique id of source
source String Name of source
codeName String Code name of source


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid String Loan invoice number Y
loan_id Numeric Loan ID Y
next_installment_date Date Date of next installment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_date Date Date of sub-loan closure Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_amount String The amount to be paid to close the subloan Y
installment Numeric Installment Amount Y
pos Numeric Principal outstanding of sub-loan Y
dpd Numeric Dues past days Y
overdue Overdue Overdue Object Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String User name Y
firstName String First Name Y
firstName String Last Name Y
mobile String Mobile Number Y
email String Email Id Y
role String Role of the user in the system. N
fcmId N
caAgentId N
partnerId Numeric Unique IDs given to GLAAS partners N
imId Numeric Identity Manager user ID N
collectionFcmId N
createdDate Timestamp Timestamp of user object created in the system Y
id Numeric Auto generated user id Y
status 0 | 1 Whether the user is active or not Y ENUM

Example Request
"username" : "user123",
"password" : "pass123"

Example Response
"sessionId": "547cf7b5-9395-435d-a0bd-346d7c7ba5d3",
"username": "system",
"redirectPath": null,

"username": "system",
"firstName": "System",
"lastName": "User",
"mobile": ",
"email": "_@_._",
"userid": 22,
"role": null,
"fcmId": null,
"caAgentId": null,
"partnerId": 0,
"imId": null,
"collectionFcmId": null,
"password": null,
"createdDate": 1626937461039,
"id": null,
"status": null

Example Request
  { "contacts" : [
"addressLine1":"No 123",
], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"12342131234",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "firms":
{ "firmName":"Abc Pvt Ltd",
"firmType":"Private Limited",
{ "addressLine1":"No 1",
"addressLine2":"Street 1",
"addressLine3":"Area 1",
"landmark":"Landmark 1",
} ], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"1234352345",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "proposalDetail":
}, "applicationNumber":"1234ADF",
"purpose":"Working Capital",

Example Response
  { "successMessage":
"message":"Application is successfully created"
  }   { "errorMessage":
"Invalid dob details",
"Invalid firm bank details"

Example Request
"curl --location --request
POST '/api/fileupload' \
--form '=@""'"

Example Response
       { "version":1,
"documentSource": https://entd.s3.amazonaws.com/34fead5f-8dcd-4a31-a02c-2f17619c896b.jpg"
"fields": [
{ "value":"913020047242662",
}, { "value":"Axis Bank",
}, { "value":"1",
} ] } }, "requestFlowId":56507,

Example Request
"requestFlowId": ",
"docName" : "LOAN_DOCUMENT"

Example Request
  { "accountNumber": 107924346722,
"netAmount": 48250,
"disbursementDate": “2020-08-26 00:00:00”,

Example Response
  { "createdDate":1624709705683,
"proposal" :
"firm" :
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",
"type":"Private Limited",
"fields":null } }, "applicationId":34045,
"loanStructure" :
"name":"EXI Term Loan",
"prioritizeCreditBureaus" :
{ "priority":1,
"creditBureau" :
} } ], "bankId":null,
}, "loanProduct" :
}, "omnifinId":null,
{ "priority":1,
{ "createdDate":1588357800000,
} } ],
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",

Example Response
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"firmId": null,
"loantype": "EXI",
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"principal": 55000.0,
"penalty_rate": 0.06,
"rate": 0.14,
"tenure": 36,
"prepayment_rate": 0.0,
"disbursement_date": "27/07/2018",
"emi_day": 31,
  [ "15/08/2018",
  ], "past_installments":   [
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_computed": 0.0,
"charge_received": 0.0,
"charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_override": null,
"penalty_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_received": 0.0,
"penalty_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_override": null,
"due_principal_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_principal_computed": 1617.0,
"due_principal_received": 1617.0,
"due_principal_closing_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_computed": 263.0,
"due_interest_received": 263.0,
"due_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_computed": 0.0,
"other_charge_received": 0.0,
"other_charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_override": null,
"delayed_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_computed": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_received": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_override": null,
"prepayment_amount": 0.0,
"outstanding_principal_opening_balance": 22545.0,
"outstanding_principal_closing_balance": 20928.0,
"overflow_credit": 0.0,
"outstanding_charge": 0.0,
"received_amount": 1880.0,
"payment_date": "31/07/2020",
"expected_date": "31/07/2020",
"type": "SC",
"comment": "Previous OverFlow Credit Amount",
"dpd_status": null,
"pre_emi_interest": 0,
"penalty_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_computed": 0.0,
"charge_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_waiver": 0.0,
"charge_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"other_charge_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"due_principal_waiver": 0.0,
"due_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"tds_deducted": 0.0,
"capitalised_interest": 0.0,
"refund_amount": null
  ], "tranches": [   { "amount": 55000.0,
"date": "27/07/2018"
  ], "outstandingPrincipalAmount": 20928.0,
"tds_deducted": "0",
"firmName": null,
"bounceInstances": null,
"noOfEmis": 0,
"oldestDPD": null,
"totalEMIOverdue": null,
"paymentMode": null,
"pos": null,
"installment_type": null,
"installment_amount": null,
"payment_date": "31/12/2020",
"gf_installment_type": null,
"finezza_charges": [],
"waiver_amount": null,
"waiver_type": null,
"deferDate": null,
"accountNumber": null,
"netAmount": null,
"ifscCode": null,
"accountType": 0,
"bankName": null,
"accountMode": null,
"accountName": null,
"proposedAmount": null,
"disbursedAmount": null,
"request_id": 11257,
  { "percent": 2.25,
"due_principal": 1238,
"date": "31/08/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.28,
"due_principal": 1253,
"date": "30/09/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.3,
"due_principal": 1267,
"date": "31/10/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.33,
"due_principal": 1282,
"date": "30/11/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.36,
"due_principal": 1297,
"date": "31/12/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.39,
"due_principal": 1312,
"date": "31/01/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.41,
"due_principal": 1328,
"date": "28/02/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.44,
"due_principal": 1343,
"date": "31/03/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.47,
"due_principal": 1359,
"date": "30/04/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.5,
"due_principal": 1375,
"date": "31/05/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.53,
"due_principal": 1391,
"date": "30/06/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.56,
"due_principal": 1407,
"date": "31/07/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.59,
"due_principal": 1423,
"date": "31/08/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.62,
"due_principal": 1440,
"date": "30/09/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.65,
"due_principal": 1457,
"date": "31/10/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.68,
"due_principal": 1474,
"date": "30/11/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.71,
"due_principal": 1491,
"date": "31/12/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.74,
"due_principal": 1508,
"date": "31/01/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.77,
"due_principal": 1526,
"date": "29/02/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.81,
"due_principal": 1544,
"date": "31/03/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.84,
"due_principal": 1562,
"date": "30/04/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.87,
"due_principal": 1580,
"date": "31/05/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.91,
"due_principal": 1598,
"date": "30/06/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.94,
"due_principal": 1617,
"date": "31/07/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.97,
"due_principal": 1636,
"date": "31/08/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.01,
"due_principal": 1655,
"date": "30/09/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.04,
"due_principal": 1674,
"date": "31/10/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.08,
"due_principal": 1694,
"date": "30/11/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.12,
"due_principal": 1714,
"date": "31/12/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.15,
"due_principal": 1734,
"date": "31/01/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.19,
"due_principal": 1754,
"date": "28/02/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.23,
"due_principal": 1774,
"date": "31/03/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.26,
"due_principal": 1795,
"date": "30/04/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.3,
"due_principal": 1816,
"date": "31/05/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.34,
"due_principal": 1837,
"date": "30/06/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.35,
"due_principal": 1845,
"date": "31/07/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  ], "principal_percent": null,
"peak_availability_period": 0,
"sanctioned_amount": 55000.0,
"loanStatus": "NEW",
"collectionAssignee": null,
"collectionAssigneeName": null,
  { "limit": 55000,
"installment_no": 0,
"disbursementStatus": "NEW"
  ], "settlement_date": null,
"outflow_charges": [],
"closure_date": null,
"interest_schedule": [],
"payment_delay": 0,
"secondaryCollectionAssignee": null,
"secondaryCollectionAssigneeName": null,
"relationshipManager": null,
"collectionManager": null,
"nachLimit": null,
"loan_product": "Employee",
"custom_schedule": [],
"bankId": null,
"proposalId": null,
"numberOfEmis": 0,
"rate_type": "FLAT",
"min_prepayment_amount": null,
"prepayment_in_multiples_of": null,
"waterfall_id": 1,
"prepayment_upto_months": 0,
"tenure_shift": null,
"refund_amount": null

Example Request
 { "requestFlowIds" :    [ 12345,

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId":13241,
"message":"Application has been successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
   { "requestFlowIds" :  [ 12344
"paymentDate": "01/03/2021"

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId":46542,
{ "installment":0,
} ], "total_pos":90000.0,

Example Request
  { "requestFlowId": 12356,
"netAmount": 48543.0,
"uid": o6BLX,
"date": "29/07/2020",
"tenure": 3

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": 11234,
"uid": 06GHD,
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12335,
"amount": 30000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "28/08/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "o8GHJ",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12345,
"amount": 10000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "UPI",
"date": "22/10/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "cc345",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
 { "uid":   [

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc24",
    },    { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc25",
"status": "ACCEPTED"

Example Response
  { "id" :   { "timestamp":1591762709,
  }, "loanId":1439,
"principal_schedule" :
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":1.66,
  { "percent":1.69,
  { "percent":1.72,
  { "percent":1.75,
  { "percent":1.78,
  { "percent":1.81,
  { "percent":1.84,
  { "percent":1.87,
  { "percent":1.9,
  { "percent":1.93,
  { "percent":1.96,
  { "percent":1.99,
  { "percent":2.03,
  { "percent":2.06,
  { "percent":2.1,
  { "percent":2.13,
  { "percent":2.17,
  { "percent":2.2,
  { "percent":2.24,
  { "percent":2.28,
  { "percent":2.31,
  { "percent":2.35,
  { "percent":2.39,
  { "percent":2.43,
  { "percent":2.47,
  { "percent":2.51,
  { "percent":2.56,
  { "percent":2.6,
  { "percent":2.64,
  { "percent":2.69,
  { "percent":2.73,
  { "percent":2.78,
  { "percent":2.82,
  { "percent":2.87,
  { "percent":2.92,
  { "percent":2.97,
  { "percent":3.02,
  { "percent":3.07,
  { "percent":3.12,
  { "percent":3.17,
  { "percent":3.22,
  { "percent":3.27,
  ], "deleted":false,


Welcome to GLAAS API documentation. This page provides detailed information about API-as-a-service offerings in the GLAAS platform. GLAAS platform provides APIs to build and embed financial products in any digital platform.

GLAAS APIs are built around REST. It uses standard HTTP verbs and response code. JSON-encoded responses are returned back to the client.

We will continue to update/add new APIs to cater to new use cases in a more seamless fashion. If you have any specific needs or feedback, do reach out to us at shailesh@gromor.in , sumanth.bharadwaj@gromor.in

About Glaas API

Base URL

We use dedicated URLs for different environments.
Production :
Auth URL - https://accounts.gromor.in
Base URL - https://jportal.gromor.in/api
Sandbox :
Auth URL - https://accounts.dev.gromor.in
Base URL - https:// < partnerID > .dev.gromor.in

HTTP Verbs

Standard HTTP Verbs are used across all the APIs to indicate the request method.
GET To retrieve a resource or collection of resources
POST To create a resource or collection of resources
PUT To replace or modify an existing resource.

Error Codes

We use standard HTTP error codes.

  • 400 Bad Request The request is invalid
  • 401 Unauthorised The session ID is not valid
  • 403 Forbidden Not allowed to access the specific endpoint
  • 500 Internal server error

Core APIs


Authentication to APIs are performed through HTTP Basic Auth. User needs to provide the username and password and the authentication API will return a session token as response which will be used for all subsequent API calls. Please find the details of the request and response in the Authentication .

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String Yes
password String Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 sessionId String session ID / Access Token
username String The username field of User Object
user User


Create Application

Creates a loan application in the system and returns the corresponding unique identifier requestFlowId associated with the application

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
applicationNumber String The optional application number used by the GLAAS partners No Max Length : 50
purpose Working Capital | Personal Loan | Equipment Finance | Expansion Capital Loan purpose Yes ENUM
loanAmount Numeric The requested loan amount Yes
source String Source of the application. Yes Max Length : 50
loanProductId Numeric Unique id of the Loan product Yes
contacts Contact List of contacts Yes
firms Firm List of firms Yes
proposalDetail ProposalDetail Loan specific terms and conditions approved by the lender. Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 SuccessMessage ApplicationSuccessMessage Application is successfully created
400 ErrorMessage ApplicationErrorMessage Application is not created due to bad request


Upload Document

Generic API to upload different types and/or formats of documents

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>
Parameters requestFlowId : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > String The location of the File has to be the form data in the request. N

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 documentUpload
The document is successfully uploaded in the server

Download Loan Agreement

Downloads a Loan Agreement that need to be signed by the Applicant for accepting the terms and conditions of Loan.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
docName LOAN_DOCUMENT Document Name Y ENUM

Response Body

Status Response Body Description
200 Pdf file The downloadable data is sent to client as response


Create Loan

Loan Creation API will create the loan object once the application is processed and credit disbursement is done.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters requestFlowId path : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
accountNumber String Disbursement account number N
netAmount Numeric Disbursement amount Y
disbursementDate DateTime Disbursement date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate N
invoiceNumber String Invoice Number N The invoice number shall be unique for each loan/sub-loan

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 Loan Loan Loan object is successfully created.

Line sanction

Line sanction API is to acknowledge the verification and approval of proposal. It will create a line for the requestFlowId. It allows batch requestFlowId sanctions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numerics] Unique id of the application Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineSanctionResponse] The decision on Line
requests are made

Line Details

Provide point-in-time snapshot of the line status of all the requestFlowIds mentioned in the request.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numeric] Unique id of the application Y
paymentDate Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineDetails [LineDetails] The Line details of requested applications are provided on specific payment date


Line Disbursement

The API will create a transaction in the system for each requestFlowId with the corresponding amount. It also triggers internal audit APIs for proper auditing of all the successful transactions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineDisbursement] List of objects having disbursement information Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineDisbursement
Disbursement is done
for all the applications


The APIs are called on successful credit of EMI or any other payment in the lender's bank account. This API will map the bank transactions with the LMS system.

Loan Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for term loans

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LoanRepaymentDetail] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LoanRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for line of credit

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineRepayment] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment Status

The API returns the status of the repayment process for each transaction which was initiated by the Line Repayment

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid [uid] unique ids of Repayment Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentStatusResponse] Success

Loan Repayment Schedule

The Repayment schedule API will provide detailed information on EMI repayment dates and the amount to be paid through out the loan life cycle

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters loanId path : Loan Id
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 id Default Mongo DB generated id Object having id related information
loanId Numeric Loan Id
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
principal_schedule [RepaymentSchedule] Object having installment schedule information
deleted Boolean
subLoanId Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products



Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
addressLine1 String House No / Street Y Max Length : 500
addressLine2 String Area / Locality N Max Length : 500
addressLine3 String City / State / Country N Max Length : 500
landmark String Popular landmark in
the nearby locality.
N Max Length : 500
pincode String Postal Index Number Y Length : 6
addressType Permanent | Present Type of address Y ENUM
addressStatus Owned | Rented
| Spouse Owned | Parent
Owned | Leased
Ownership of address Y ENUM
primaryAddress Boolean Whether the address is primary address or not Y Boolean


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
status HTTP error code HTTP error codes
to mention
the reasons
for not
creating the
message [String] The list of
error reasons.


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
message String Custom message
that will be sent
to the client on
successful creation
of application


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
bankId Numeric Bank Id
which needs
to be selected
from Bank
API response
accountNumber String Account number Y Max Length : 50
ifscCode String IFSC code of the branch Y Max Length : 20
accountType Saving Account |
Current Account |
Overdraft Account |
Cash Credit Account
Type of account Y ENUM
accountHolderName String Name of account
N Max Length : 100
disbusermentAccount Boolean To specify
whether the
loan amount
has to be
disbursed to
this bank
N One of the bank
details should
be True
repaymentAccount Boolean To specify
whether to register
this bank account
to be used for
loan repayments


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firstName String First Name Y Max Length : 100
middleName String Middle Name N Max Length : 100
lastName String Last Name Y Max Length : 100
panNumber String PAN card number Y Length : 10
voterIdNumber String Voter Id number N Length : 20
aadharNumber String Aadhar Card Number N Length : 12
passportNumber String Passport number N Max Length : 100
mobileNumber String Mobile Number Y Length : 10
alternateMobileNumber String Alternative mobile Number N Length : 10
emailId String Email Id N Max Length : 100
applicantType Borrower |
Co-borrower |
By Association
Type of application Y ENUM
gender Male | Female Gender Y ENUM
dob Date Date of birth Y Format :
maritalStatus Single | Married Marital status N ENUM
address [Address] List of multiple
address of
the contact
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank
details of
the contact


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric Unique id
name String Name of credit bureau. For eg: CIBIL


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
priority Numeric Sequence of priority
creditBureau [CreditBureau]


Name Type Description
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
version Numeric Document version
createdDate Timestamp
modifiedDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user uploading the document
modifiedBy Numeric The user id of the user modifying the document
id Numeric Document id
gfile File File object having document type and storage information
deleted Boolean Whether the document is deleted or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
version Numeric File version Y
createdDate Timestamp Y
modifiedDate Timestamp Y
deleted Boolean Whether the file is deleted or not Y
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user creating the file Y
id Numeric File id Y
documentName String Name of the document stored Y
uploadDocumentType Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
documentType Numeric < To be deprecated > Y
documentSource String Storage location of the document Y
ocrJson FileOCRData Data extracted from OCR N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tag Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
error [OCRFields] List of all the errors in case on OCR parsing failure Y
time Decimal Time taken to process the document Y
fields [OCRFields] List of all the data extracted in the document Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firmName String Firm Name Y Max Length : 100
firmType Partnership | Proprietorship | Private Limited | LLP | Others Firm Type Y ENUM
cinNumber String Company registration number N Length : 21
gstnNumber String GSTN Number N Length : 15
panNumber String PAN card number N Length : 10
yearOfIncorporation String Company registration date Y Format : yyyy
tanNumber String TAN number N Length : 10
address [Address] List of multiple address of the Firm Y
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank details of the Firm Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
sub_loans [SubLoan] List of all the active subloans associated with an application. Serviced/Closed sub-loan details are not available in this API. Y
limit_available Numeric The amount that can be drawn Y
limit_utilized Numeric The amount that has already been utilized Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric The max eligible amount Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total defaulted amount (cumulative of all Lines) Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total outstanding principal component. (cumulative of all Lines) Y
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
Numeric Interest component defaulted. (cumulative of all Lines) Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
netAmount Numeric Actual amount to be disbursed excluding all the fees withheld. Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
date Date Date of disbursement Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
tenure Numeric Tenure of Line in days N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status Accepted | Rejected Disbursement Status Y
message String Descriptive message of the disbursement status Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
callBackUrl String Y
repaymentDetails [LoanRepaymentDetail] Repayment Details Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Unique id of repayment Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the repayment is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Repayment amount Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Comment related to repayment Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status String Repayment Status Y ENUM


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the line is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric user id of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Loan id
proposal proposal Proposal Object
disbursementDate Timestamp
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdDate < To be deprecated >
completed 1 | 0 To indicate whether the loan is serviced and closed or not
status Numeric id of loan status. This shall be deprecated.
documentSent Boolean Loan Document is sent to client or not
documentReceived Boolean Loan Document is received from client or not
signedDocument Boolean Loan Document is signed or not
disbursementAccount Boolean Whether the amount is disbursed into the disbursement account or not.
isTdsWithheld Boolean Whether to deduct TDS or not
Boolean Customer has accepted the repayment schedule or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
firm Firm Firm object
loanStatus NEW | SERVICED Status of the loan ENUM
deferredDate Timestamp Date of delayed installment payment.
loan_commission Decimal Loan commission for the partner
followUpDate Timestamp Follow up date for collection (internal use) Format
collectionAssignee Numeric user id of collection agent
Numeric user id of secondary collection agent
relationshipManager Numeric user id of Loan Manager
collectionManager Numeric user id of Collection Manger
irr Decimal Internal rate return (IRR) - Only for serviced loans
loanClosureDate Timestamp Loan closure date
settementDate Timestamp Loan settlement date
writeOffDate Timestamp Loan write off date
loanRestructureDate Timestamp Loan restructure date
paymentMode NACH | CHEQUE | SELF_PAY | ASSISTED Payment mode ENUM
subloanId String id of sub loan object. (Only for Line of credit products)
invoiceNo String Invoice Number (Only for Line of Credit product)
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate (Only for Line of Credit product)
tenure Numeric Tenure of the sub-loan in days (Only for Line of Credit product)
roi Decimal Rate of interest for sub-loan (Only for Line of Credit product)
processingInvoiceNo String Processing fee invoice number
isWelcomeEmailSent Boolean Welcome email is sent to the customer or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric ID of loan product / loan structure
name String Name
requiredValue Numeric
productType SECURED | UNSECURED Product type ENUM
Decimal Max limit on this product
Decimal Min limit on this product
PaymentType Payment Type
omnifinId Numeric
CreditBureauPrioritySchema Sequence of credit bureaus to fetch the information
bankId Numeric Bank ID
repaymentType PaymentType Payment Type


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Amount Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Payment Date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Inflow Comment N
uid String Unique id of repayment N
loanId Numeric Loan Id N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Inflow id Y
loan_id Numeric Loan Id Y
Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Numeric Repayment amount Y
date Timestamp Repayment date Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y ENUM
agent_id Numeric Id of collection agent Y
comment String Additioanal comment on repayment Y
payment_mode String Payment mode Y ENUM
created_date Timestamp Y
modified_date Timestamp Y
uid Numeric Unique id of repayments Y
taxes < To be deprecated > N
fiz_type Inflow Type Y ENUM
version Numeric Y
deleted 0 | 1 Y
created_by Numeric The user id of the user initiating repayment Y
modified_by Numeric The user id of the user modifying repayment Y
deferred_date Timestamp Y
application_id Numeric application id of the request flow object Y
tds_deducted Boolean < To be deprecated > Y
subloan_id Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
key String Name of the field extracted Y
value String Value of the field extracted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
principal Numeric Principal component defaulted Y
interest Numeric Interest component defaulted. Y
penalty Numeric Penal charges Y
charges Numeric Pother charges Y
delayed_interest Numeric Delayed Interest charges Y
penalty_gst Numeric GST for penal charges Y
charge_gst Numeric GST for charges Y
total_overdue Numeric Total (principal + interest) default amount Y
Numeric Interest component defaulted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
id Numeric Unique id of payment type
typeOfPayment String Payment Type
merchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - production
merchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - production
devMerchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - UAT
devMerchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - UAT


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Proposal id
firm Firm
applicationId Numeric Application id associated with requestFlowId
status Numeric Unique id of proposal status ENUM
tenure Numeric Tenure of the proposal
proposedAmount Decimal
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment
rateOfInterest Decimal Rate of Interest
upfront_rate Decimal Percentage of upfront charges
Decimal Percentage of processing fee
Decimal Additional interest rate on prepayment of loan
loanType String Type of loan ENUM
proposedEmi Decimal EMI proposed
Timestamp Date of proposal sent to customer
netDisbursal Decimal Net amount to be disbursed. (Deducting other charges mentioned in the proposal)
gstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
insurance Decimal Insurance amount
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
processingFeesGst Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
insuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
conditionsPrecedent String Conditions to be met before disbursing the loan
finezzaCharges Decimal Penalty on payment bounce
firstEmiDay Numeric Day of the month for EMI
repaymentType Monthly | Weekly | Daily | Fortnightly | Custom Loan repayment mode ENUM
fizLoanType String Type of loan
preferredType Boolean
fizGstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
fizInsuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
proposalStatus String Proposal status ENUM
Boolean Upfront interest is applicable or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique ID of the application
Timestamp Date of Proposal accepted by customer
nachLimit Decimal The max limit of NACH amount
loanStructure Loan Product
loanProduct Loan Product
isFranking Boolean Franking charges are applicable or not
numOfCoLender Numeric Number of lending partners
paymentDelay Decimal
Boolean Insurance is applicable or not on disbursement
Decimal Processing fee
latePaymentFee Decimal Penalty on late payment
Numeric Grace period before incurring penalty
delayedInterest Decimal Interest rate on delayed payment
source source
upFrontInterest Decimal rate of upfront interest


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tenure Numeric Validity of Loan / Line Y
amountApproved Numeric Amount approved Y
amountDisbursed Numeric Disbursed amount N
upFrontInterest Decimal Upfront interest rate N
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment Y
nachLimit Numeric The max limit of NACH amount Y
roi Decimal Rate of interest per annum Y
paymentMode Cash| Cheque Deposit | Cheque Return | IMPS | NEFT | RTGS | NACH | UPI |Overflow Credit | Fund Transfer | Internal Transfer | Paytm Mode of Payment Y ENUM
proposalAcceptedDate String Proposal accepted date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
insuranceAmount Decimal Insurance amount N
processingFee Decimal Processing fee N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Unique id of source
source String Name of source
codeName String Code name of source


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid String Loan invoice number Y
loan_id Numeric Loan ID Y
next_installment_date Date Date of next installment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_date Date Date of sub-loan closure Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_amount String The amount to be paid to close the subloan Y
installment Numeric Installment Amount Y
pos Numeric Principal outstanding of sub-loan Y
dpd Numeric Dues past days Y
overdue Overdue Overdue Object Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String User name Y
firstName String First Name Y
firstName String Last Name Y
mobile String Mobile Number Y
email String Email Id Y
role String Role of the user in the system. N
fcmId N
caAgentId N
partnerId Numeric Unique IDs given to GLAAS partners N
imId Numeric Identity Manager user ID N
collectionFcmId N
createdDate Timestamp Timestamp of user object created in the system Y
id Numeric Auto generated user id Y
status 0 | 1 Whether the user is active or not Y ENUM

Example Request
"username" : "user123",
"password" : "pass123"

Example Response
"sessionId": "547cf7b5-9395-435d-a0bd-346d7c7ba5d3",
"username": "system",
"redirectPath": null,

"username": "system",
"firstName": "System",
"lastName": "User",
"mobile": ",
"email": "_@_._",
"userid": 22,
"role": null,
"fcmId": null,
"caAgentId": null,
"partnerId": 0,
"imId": null,
"collectionFcmId": null,
"password": null,
"createdDate": 1626937461039,
"id": null,
"status": null

Example Request
  { "contacts" : [
"addressLine1":"No 123",
], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"12342131234",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "firms":
{ "firmName":"Abc Pvt Ltd",
"firmType":"Private Limited",
{ "addressLine1":"No 1",
"addressLine2":"Street 1",
"addressLine3":"Area 1",
"landmark":"Landmark 1",
} ], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"1234352345",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "proposalDetail":
}, "applicationNumber":"1234ADF",
"purpose":"Working Capital",

Example Response
  { "successMessage":
"message":"Application is successfully created"
  }   { "errorMessage":
"Invalid dob details",
"Invalid firm bank details"

Example Request
"curl --location --request
POST '/api/fileupload' \
--form '=@""'"

Example Response
       { "version":1,
"documentSource": https://entd.s3.amazonaws.com/34fead5f-8dcd-4a31-a02c-2f17619c896b.jpg"
"fields": [
{ "value":"913020047242662",
}, { "value":"Axis Bank",
}, { "value":"1",
} ] } }, "requestFlowId":56507,

Example Request
"requestFlowId": ",
"docName" : "LOAN_DOCUMENT"

Example Request
  { "accountNumber": 107924346722,
"netAmount": 48250,
"disbursementDate": “2020-08-26 00:00:00”,

Example Response
  { "createdDate":1624709705683,
"proposal" :
"firm" :
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",
"type":"Private Limited",
"fields":null } }, "applicationId":34045,
"loanStructure" :
"name":"EXI Term Loan",
"prioritizeCreditBureaus" :
{ "priority":1,
"creditBureau" :
} } ], "bankId":null,
}, "loanProduct" :
}, "omnifinId":null,
{ "priority":1,
{ "createdDate":1588357800000,
} } ],
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",

Example Response
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"firmId": null,
"loantype": "EXI",
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"principal": 55000.0,
"penalty_rate": 0.06,
"rate": 0.14,
"tenure": 36,
"prepayment_rate": 0.0,
"disbursement_date": "27/07/2018",
"emi_day": 31,
  [ "15/08/2018",
  ], "past_installments":   [
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_computed": 0.0,
"charge_received": 0.0,
"charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_override": null,
"penalty_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_received": 0.0,
"penalty_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_override": null,
"due_principal_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_principal_computed": 1617.0,
"due_principal_received": 1617.0,
"due_principal_closing_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_computed": 263.0,
"due_interest_received": 263.0,
"due_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_computed": 0.0,
"other_charge_received": 0.0,
"other_charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_override": null,
"delayed_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_computed": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_received": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_override": null,
"prepayment_amount": 0.0,
"outstanding_principal_opening_balance": 22545.0,
"outstanding_principal_closing_balance": 20928.0,
"overflow_credit": 0.0,
"outstanding_charge": 0.0,
"received_amount": 1880.0,
"payment_date": "31/07/2020",
"expected_date": "31/07/2020",
"type": "SC",
"comment": "Previous OverFlow Credit Amount",
"dpd_status": null,
"pre_emi_interest": 0,
"penalty_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_computed": 0.0,
"charge_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_waiver": 0.0,
"charge_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"other_charge_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"due_principal_waiver": 0.0,
"due_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"tds_deducted": 0.0,
"capitalised_interest": 0.0,
"refund_amount": null
  ], "tranches": [   { "amount": 55000.0,
"date": "27/07/2018"
  ], "outstandingPrincipalAmount": 20928.0,
"tds_deducted": "0",
"firmName": null,
"bounceInstances": null,
"noOfEmis": 0,
"oldestDPD": null,
"totalEMIOverdue": null,
"paymentMode": null,
"pos": null,
"installment_type": null,
"installment_amount": null,
"payment_date": "31/12/2020",
"gf_installment_type": null,
"finezza_charges": [],
"waiver_amount": null,
"waiver_type": null,
"deferDate": null,
"accountNumber": null,
"netAmount": null,
"ifscCode": null,
"accountType": 0,
"bankName": null,
"accountMode": null,
"accountName": null,
"proposedAmount": null,
"disbursedAmount": null,
"request_id": 11257,
  { "percent": 2.25,
"due_principal": 1238,
"date": "31/08/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.28,
"due_principal": 1253,
"date": "30/09/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.3,
"due_principal": 1267,
"date": "31/10/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.33,
"due_principal": 1282,
"date": "30/11/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.36,
"due_principal": 1297,
"date": "31/12/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.39,
"due_principal": 1312,
"date": "31/01/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.41,
"due_principal": 1328,
"date": "28/02/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.44,
"due_principal": 1343,
"date": "31/03/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.47,
"due_principal": 1359,
"date": "30/04/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.5,
"due_principal": 1375,
"date": "31/05/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.53,
"due_principal": 1391,
"date": "30/06/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.56,
"due_principal": 1407,
"date": "31/07/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.59,
"due_principal": 1423,
"date": "31/08/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.62,
"due_principal": 1440,
"date": "30/09/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.65,
"due_principal": 1457,
"date": "31/10/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.68,
"due_principal": 1474,
"date": "30/11/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.71,
"due_principal": 1491,
"date": "31/12/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.74,
"due_principal": 1508,
"date": "31/01/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.77,
"due_principal": 1526,
"date": "29/02/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.81,
"due_principal": 1544,
"date": "31/03/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.84,
"due_principal": 1562,
"date": "30/04/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.87,
"due_principal": 1580,
"date": "31/05/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.91,
"due_principal": 1598,
"date": "30/06/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.94,
"due_principal": 1617,
"date": "31/07/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.97,
"due_principal": 1636,
"date": "31/08/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.01,
"due_principal": 1655,
"date": "30/09/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.04,
"due_principal": 1674,
"date": "31/10/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.08,
"due_principal": 1694,
"date": "30/11/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.12,
"due_principal": 1714,
"date": "31/12/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.15,
"due_principal": 1734,
"date": "31/01/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.19,
"due_principal": 1754,
"date": "28/02/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.23,
"due_principal": 1774,
"date": "31/03/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.26,
"due_principal": 1795,
"date": "30/04/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.3,
"due_principal": 1816,
"date": "31/05/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.34,
"due_principal": 1837,
"date": "30/06/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.35,
"due_principal": 1845,
"date": "31/07/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  ], "principal_percent": null,
"peak_availability_period": 0,
"sanctioned_amount": 55000.0,
"loanStatus": "NEW",
"collectionAssignee": null,
"collectionAssigneeName": null,
  { "limit": 55000,
"installment_no": 0,
"disbursementStatus": "NEW"
  ], "settlement_date": null,
"outflow_charges": [],
"closure_date": null,
"interest_schedule": [],
"payment_delay": 0,
"secondaryCollectionAssignee": null,
"secondaryCollectionAssigneeName": null,
"relationshipManager": null,
"collectionManager": null,
"nachLimit": null,
"loan_product": "Employee",
"custom_schedule": [],
"bankId": null,
"proposalId": null,
"numberOfEmis": 0,
"rate_type": "FLAT",
"min_prepayment_amount": null,
"prepayment_in_multiples_of": null,
"waterfall_id": 1,
"prepayment_upto_months": 0,
"tenure_shift": null,
"refund_amount": null

Example Request
 { "requestFlowIds" :    [ 12345,

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId":13241,
"message":"Application has been successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
   { "requestFlowIds" :  [ 12344
"paymentDate": "01/03/2021"

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId":46542,
{ "installment":0,
} ], "total_pos":90000.0,

Example Request
  { "requestFlowId": 12356,
"netAmount": 48543.0,
"uid": o6BLX,
"date": "29/07/2020",
"tenure": 3

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": 11234,
"uid": 06GHD,
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12335,
"amount": 30000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "28/08/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "o8GHJ",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12345,
"amount": 10000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "UPI",
"date": "22/10/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "cc345",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
 { "uid":   [

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc24",
    },    { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc25",
"status": "ACCEPTED"

Example Response
  { "id" :   { "timestamp":1591762709,
  }, "loanId":1439,
"principal_schedule" :
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":1.66,
  { "percent":1.69,
  { "percent":1.72,
  { "percent":1.75,
  { "percent":1.78,
  { "percent":1.81,
  { "percent":1.84,
  { "percent":1.87,
  { "percent":1.9,
  { "percent":1.93,
  { "percent":1.96,
  { "percent":1.99,
  { "percent":2.03,
  { "percent":2.06,
  { "percent":2.1,
  { "percent":2.13,
  { "percent":2.17,
  { "percent":2.2,
  { "percent":2.24,
  { "percent":2.28,
  { "percent":2.31,
  { "percent":2.35,
  { "percent":2.39,
  { "percent":2.43,
  { "percent":2.47,
  { "percent":2.51,
  { "percent":2.56,
  { "percent":2.6,
  { "percent":2.64,
  { "percent":2.69,
  { "percent":2.73,
  { "percent":2.78,
  { "percent":2.82,
  { "percent":2.87,
  { "percent":2.92,
  { "percent":2.97,
  { "percent":3.02,
  { "percent":3.07,
  { "percent":3.12,
  { "percent":3.17,
  { "percent":3.22,
  { "percent":3.27,
  ], "deleted":false,


Welcome to GLAAS API documentation. This page provides detailed information about API-as-a-service offerings in the GLAAS platform. GLAAS platform provides APIs to build and embed financial products in any digital platform.

GLAAS APIs are built around REST. It uses standard HTTP verbs and response code. JSON-encoded responses are returned back to the client.

We will continue to update/add new APIs to cater to new use cases in a more seamless fashion. If you have any specific needs or feedback, do reach out to us at shailesh@gromor.in , sumanth.bharadwaj@gromor.in

About Glaas API

Base URL

We use dedicated URLs for different environments.
Production :
Auth URL - https://accounts.gromor.in
Base URL - https://jportal.gromor.in/api
Sandbox :
Auth URL - https://accounts.dev.gromor.in
Base URL - https:// < partnerID > .dev.gromor.in

HTTP Verbs

Standard HTTP Verbs are used across all the APIs to indicate the request method.
GET To retrieve a resource or collection of resources
POST To create a resource or collection of resources
PUT To replace or modify an existing resource.

Error Codes

We use standard HTTP error codes.

  • 400 Bad Request The request is invalid
  • 401 Unauthorised The session ID is not valid
  • 403 Forbidden Not allowed to access the specific endpoint
  • 500 Internal server error

Core APIs


Authentication to APIs are performed through HTTP Basic Auth. User needs to provide the username and password and the authentication API will return a session token as response which will be used for all subsequent API calls. Please find the details of the request and response in the Authentication .

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String Yes
password String Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 sessionId String session ID / Access Token
username String The username field of User Object
user User


Create Application

Creates a loan application in the system and returns the corresponding unique identifier requestFlowId associated with the application

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
applicationNumber String The optional application number used by the GLAAS partners No Max Length : 50
purpose Working Capital | Personal Loan | Equipment Finance | Expansion Capital Loan purpose Yes ENUM
loanAmount Numeric The requested loan amount Yes
source String Source of the application. Yes Max Length : 50
loanProductId Numeric Unique id of the Loan product Yes
contacts Contact List of contacts Yes
firms Firm List of firms Yes
proposalDetail ProposalDetail Loan specific terms and conditions approved by the lender. Yes

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 SuccessMessage ApplicationSuccessMessage Application is successfully created
400 ErrorMessage ApplicationErrorMessage Application is not created due to bad request


Upload Document

Generic API to upload different types and/or formats of documents

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>
Parameters requestFlowId : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token>

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > String The location of the File has to be the form data in the request. N

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 documentUpload
The document is successfully uploaded in the server

Download Loan Agreement

Downloads a Loan Agreement that need to be signed by the Applicant for accepting the terms and conditions of Loan.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
docName LOAN_DOCUMENT Document Name Y ENUM

Response Body

Status Response Body Description
200 Pdf file The downloadable data is sent to client as response


Create Loan

Loan Creation API will create the loan object once the application is processed and credit disbursement is done.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters requestFlowId path : Unique id of the application
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
accountNumber String Disbursement account number N
netAmount Numeric Disbursement amount Y
disbursementDate DateTime Disbursement date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate N
invoiceNumber String Invoice Number N The invoice number shall be unique for each loan/sub-loan

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 Loan Loan Loan object is successfully created.

Line sanction

Line sanction API is to acknowledge the verification and approval of proposal. It will create a line for the requestFlowId. It allows batch requestFlowId sanctions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numerics] Unique id of the application Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineSanctionResponse] The decision on Line
requests are made

Line Details

Provide point-in-time snapshot of the line status of all the requestFlowIds mentioned in the request.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowIds [Numeric] Unique id of the application Y
paymentDate Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineDetails [LineDetails] The Line details of requested applications are provided on specific payment date


Line Disbursement

The API will create a transaction in the system for each requestFlowId with the corresponding amount. It also triggers internal audit APIs for proper auditing of all the successful transactions.

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineDisbursement] List of objects having disbursement information Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 < No Name > [LineDisbursement
Disbursement is done
for all the applications


The APIs are called on successful credit of EMI or any other payment in the lender's bank account. This API will map the bank transactions with the LMS system.

Loan Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for term loans

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LoanRepaymentDetail] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LoanRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment

This API is used to map the repayment for line of credit

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
< No Name > [LineRepayment] List of repayment informations Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentResponse] Repayment information has been successfully added to the system

Line Repayment Status

The API returns the status of the repayment process for each transaction which was initiated by the Line Repayment

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Request Body

Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid [uid] unique ids of Repayment Y

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 LineRepayment
[LineRepaymentStatusResponse] Success

Loan Repayment Schedule

The Repayment schedule API will provide detailed information on EMI repayment dates and the amount to be paid through out the loan life cycle

Headers Content-Type : application/json
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >
Parameters loanId path : Loan Id
sessionId : < session ID / Access Token >

Response Body

Status Response Body
Name Type Description
200 id Default Mongo DB generated id Object having id related information
loanId Numeric Loan Id
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
principal_schedule [RepaymentSchedule] Object having installment schedule information
deleted Boolean
subLoanId Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products



Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
addressLine1 String House No / Street Y Max Length : 500
addressLine2 String Area / Locality N Max Length : 500
addressLine3 String City / State / Country N Max Length : 500
landmark String Popular landmark in
the nearby locality.
N Max Length : 500
pincode String Postal Index Number Y Length : 6
addressType Permanent | Present Type of address Y ENUM
addressStatus Owned | Rented
| Spouse Owned | Parent
Owned | Leased
Ownership of address Y ENUM
primaryAddress Boolean Whether the address is primary address or not Y Boolean


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
status HTTP error code HTTP error codes
to mention
the reasons
for not
creating the
message [String] The list of
error reasons.


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
message String Custom message
that will be sent
to the client on
successful creation
of application


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
bankId Numeric Bank Id
which needs
to be selected
from Bank
API response
accountNumber String Account number Y Max Length : 50
ifscCode String IFSC code of the branch Y Max Length : 20
accountType Saving Account |
Current Account |
Overdraft Account |
Cash Credit Account
Type of account Y ENUM
accountHolderName String Name of account
N Max Length : 100
disbusermentAccount Boolean To specify
whether the
loan amount
has to be
disbursed to
this bank
N One of the bank
details should
be True
repaymentAccount Boolean To specify
whether to register
this bank account
to be used for
loan repayments


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firstName String First Name Y Max Length : 100
middleName String Middle Name N Max Length : 100
lastName String Last Name Y Max Length : 100
panNumber String PAN card number Y Length : 10
voterIdNumber String Voter Id number N Length : 20
aadharNumber String Aadhar Card Number N Length : 12
passportNumber String Passport number N Max Length : 100
mobileNumber String Mobile Number Y Length : 10
alternateMobileNumber String Alternative mobile Number N Length : 10
emailId String Email Id N Max Length : 100
applicantType Borrower |
Co-borrower |
By Association
Type of application Y ENUM
gender Male | Female Gender Y ENUM
dob Date Date of birth Y Format :
maritalStatus Single | Married Marital status N ENUM
address [Address] List of multiple
address of
the contact
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank
details of
the contact


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric Unique id
name String Name of credit bureau. For eg: CIBIL


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
priority Numeric Sequence of priority
creditBureau [CreditBureau]


Name Type Description
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
version Numeric Document version
createdDate Timestamp
modifiedDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user uploading the document
modifiedBy Numeric The user id of the user modifying the document
id Numeric Document id
gfile File File object having document type and storage information
deleted Boolean Whether the document is deleted or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
version Numeric File version Y
createdDate Timestamp Y
modifiedDate Timestamp Y
deleted Boolean Whether the file is deleted or not Y
createdBy Numeric The user id of the user creating the file Y
id Numeric File id Y
documentName String Name of the document stored Y
uploadDocumentType Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
documentType Numeric < To be deprecated > Y
documentSource String Storage location of the document Y
ocrJson FileOCRData Data extracted from OCR N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tag Numeric Type of the document uploaded Y
error [OCRFields] List of all the errors in case on OCR parsing failure Y
time Decimal Time taken to process the document Y
fields [OCRFields] List of all the data extracted in the document Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
firmName String Firm Name Y Max Length : 100
firmType Partnership | Proprietorship | Private Limited | LLP | Others Firm Type Y ENUM
cinNumber String Company registration number N Length : 21
gstnNumber String GSTN Number N Length : 15
panNumber String PAN card number N Length : 10
yearOfIncorporation String Company registration date Y Format : yyyy
tanNumber String TAN number N Length : 10
address [Address] List of multiple address of the Firm Y
bankDetails [BankDetail] List of bank details of the Firm Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
sub_loans [SubLoan] List of all the active subloans associated with an application. Serviced/Closed sub-loan details are not available in this API. Y
limit_available Numeric The amount that can be drawn Y
limit_utilized Numeric The amount that has already been utilized Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric The max eligible amount Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total defaulted amount (cumulative of all Lines) Y
limit_sanctioned Numeric Total outstanding principal component. (cumulative of all Lines) Y
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
Numeric Interest component defaulted. (cumulative of all Lines) Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
netAmount Numeric Actual amount to be disbursed excluding all the fees withheld. Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
date Date Date of disbursement Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
tenure Numeric Tenure of Line in days N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status Accepted | Rejected Disbursement Status Y
message String Descriptive message of the disbursement status Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
callBackUrl String Y
repaymentDetails [LoanRepaymentDetail] Repayment Details Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
uid String Unique id of repayment Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the repayment is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Repayment amount Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Date of payment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Comment related to repayment Y
uid String Loan invoice number Y
status String Repayment Status Y ENUM


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
status Accepted | Rejected Decision on whether the line is accepted or not Y ENUM
message String Descriptive message of the decision Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric user id of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Loan id
proposal proposal Proposal Object
disbursementDate Timestamp
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdStatus < To be deprecated >
dpdDate < To be deprecated >
completed 1 | 0 To indicate whether the loan is serviced and closed or not
status Numeric id of loan status. This shall be deprecated.
documentSent Boolean Loan Document is sent to client or not
documentReceived Boolean Loan Document is received from client or not
signedDocument Boolean Loan Document is signed or not
disbursementAccount Boolean Whether the amount is disbursed into the disbursement account or not.
isTdsWithheld Boolean Whether to deduct TDS or not
Boolean Customer has accepted the repayment schedule or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application
firm Firm Firm object
loanStatus NEW | SERVICED Status of the loan ENUM
deferredDate Timestamp Date of delayed installment payment.
loan_commission Decimal Loan commission for the partner
followUpDate Timestamp Follow up date for collection (internal use) Format
collectionAssignee Numeric user id of collection agent
Numeric user id of secondary collection agent
relationshipManager Numeric user id of Loan Manager
collectionManager Numeric user id of Collection Manger
irr Decimal Internal rate return (IRR) - Only for serviced loans
loanClosureDate Timestamp Loan closure date
settementDate Timestamp Loan settlement date
writeOffDate Timestamp Loan write off date
loanRestructureDate Timestamp Loan restructure date
paymentMode NACH | CHEQUE | SELF_PAY | ASSISTED Payment mode ENUM
subloanId String id of sub loan object. (Only for Line of credit products)
invoiceNo String Invoice Number (Only for Line of Credit product)
upfrontRate Decimal Upfront rate (Only for Line of Credit product)
tenure Numeric Tenure of the sub-loan in days (Only for Line of Credit product)
roi Decimal Rate of interest for sub-loan (Only for Line of Credit product)
processingInvoiceNo String Processing fee invoice number
isWelcomeEmailSent Boolean Welcome email is sent to the customer or not


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user
id Numeric ID of loan product / loan structure
name String Name
requiredValue Numeric
productType SECURED | UNSECURED Product type ENUM
Decimal Max limit on this product
Decimal Min limit on this product
PaymentType Payment Type
omnifinId Numeric
CreditBureauPrioritySchema Sequence of credit bureaus to fetch the information
bankId Numeric Bank ID
repaymentType PaymentType Payment Type


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
requestFlowId Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Decimal Amount Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y
paymentMode CHEQUE | UPI | NACH Payment Mode Y ENUM
date Date Payment Date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
comment String Inflow Comment N
uid String Unique id of repayment N
loanId Numeric Loan Id N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Inflow id Y
loan_id Numeric Loan Id Y
Numeric Unique id of the application Y
amount Numeric Repayment amount Y
date Timestamp Repayment date Y
type PF | INS | service Payment Type Y ENUM
agent_id Numeric Id of collection agent Y
comment String Additioanal comment on repayment Y
payment_mode String Payment mode Y ENUM
created_date Timestamp Y
modified_date Timestamp Y
uid Numeric Unique id of repayments Y
taxes < To be deprecated > N
fiz_type Inflow Type Y ENUM
version Numeric Y
deleted 0 | 1 Y
created_by Numeric The user id of the user initiating repayment Y
modified_by Numeric The user id of the user modifying repayment Y
deferred_date Timestamp Y
application_id Numeric application id of the request flow object Y
tds_deducted Boolean < To be deprecated > Y
subloan_id Numeric sub-loan id for LoC products Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
key String Name of the field extracted Y
value String Value of the field extracted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
principal Numeric Principal component defaulted Y
interest Numeric Interest component defaulted. Y
penalty Numeric Penal charges Y
charges Numeric Pother charges Y
delayed_interest Numeric Delayed Interest charges Y
penalty_gst Numeric GST for penal charges Y
charge_gst Numeric GST for charges Y
total_overdue Numeric Total (principal + interest) default amount Y
Numeric Interest component defaulted Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
id Numeric Unique id of payment type
typeOfPayment String Payment Type
merchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - production
merchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - production
devMerchantId String Merchant (Partner) ID - UAT
devMerchantKey String Merchant (Partner) Key - UAT


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
createdDate Timestamp
createdBy Numeric ID of the user creating the loan
id Numeric Proposal id
firm Firm
applicationId Numeric Application id associated with requestFlowId
status Numeric Unique id of proposal status ENUM
tenure Numeric Tenure of the proposal
proposedAmount Decimal
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment
rateOfInterest Decimal Rate of Interest
upfront_rate Decimal Percentage of upfront charges
Decimal Percentage of processing fee
Decimal Additional interest rate on prepayment of loan
loanType String Type of loan ENUM
proposedEmi Decimal EMI proposed
Timestamp Date of proposal sent to customer
netDisbursal Decimal Net amount to be disbursed. (Deducting other charges mentioned in the proposal)
gstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
insurance Decimal Insurance amount
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
processingFeesGst Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
insuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
conditionsPrecedent String Conditions to be met before disbursing the loan
finezzaCharges Decimal Penalty on payment bounce
firstEmiDay Numeric Day of the month for EMI
repaymentType Monthly | Weekly | Daily | Fortnightly | Custom Loan repayment mode ENUM
fizLoanType String Type of loan
preferredType Boolean
fizGstApplicable Boolean GST is applicable for loan or not
Boolean Processing fee is applicable or not
Boolean Insurance fee is applicable or not
Boolean GST is applicable on processing fee or not
fizInsuranceGst Boolean GST is applicable on insurance or not
proposalStatus String Proposal status ENUM
Boolean Upfront interest is applicable or not
requestFlowId Numeric Unique ID of the application
Timestamp Date of Proposal accepted by customer
nachLimit Decimal The max limit of NACH amount
loanStructure Loan Product
loanProduct Loan Product
isFranking Boolean Franking charges are applicable or not
numOfCoLender Numeric Number of lending partners
paymentDelay Decimal
Boolean Insurance is applicable or not on disbursement
Decimal Processing fee
latePaymentFee Decimal Penalty on late payment
Numeric Grace period before incurring penalty
delayedInterest Decimal Interest rate on delayed payment
source source
upFrontInterest Decimal rate of upfront interest


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
tenure Numeric Validity of Loan / Line Y
amountApproved Numeric Amount approved Y
amountDisbursed Numeric Disbursed amount N
upFrontInterest Decimal Upfront interest rate N
penaltyPercentage Decimal Percentage of penalty on non compliance with repayment Y
nachLimit Numeric The max limit of NACH amount Y
roi Decimal Rate of interest per annum Y
paymentMode Cash| Cheque Deposit | Cheque Return | IMPS | NEFT | RTGS | NACH | UPI |Overflow Credit | Fund Transfer | Internal Transfer | Paytm Mode of Payment Y ENUM
proposalAcceptedDate String Proposal accepted date Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
insuranceAmount Decimal Insurance amount N
processingFee Decimal Processing fee N


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
id Numeric Unique id of source
source String Name of source
codeName String Code name of source


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
uid String Loan invoice number Y
loan_id Numeric Loan ID Y
next_installment_date Date Date of next installment Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
payment_date Date Date of payment present in the request Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_date Date Date of sub-loan closure Y Format : DD/MM/YYYY
closure_amount String The amount to be paid to close the subloan Y
installment Numeric Installment Amount Y
pos Numeric Principal outstanding of sub-loan Y
dpd Numeric Dues past days Y
overdue Overdue Overdue Object Y


Name Type Description Mandatory Validations
username String User name Y
firstName String First Name Y
firstName String Last Name Y
mobile String Mobile Number Y
email String Email Id Y
role String Role of the user in the system. N
fcmId N
caAgentId N
partnerId Numeric Unique IDs given to GLAAS partners N
imId Numeric Identity Manager user ID N
collectionFcmId N
createdDate Timestamp Timestamp of user object created in the system Y
id Numeric Auto generated user id Y
status 0 | 1 Whether the user is active or not Y ENUM

Example Request
"username" : "user123",
"password" : "pass123"

Example Response
"sessionId": "547cf7b5-9395-435d-a0bd-346d7c7ba5d3",
"username": "system",
"redirectPath": null,

"username": "system",
"firstName": "System",
"lastName": "User",
"mobile": ",
"email": "_@_._",
"userid": 22,
"role": null,
"fcmId": null,
"caAgentId": null,
"partnerId": 0,
"imId": null,
"collectionFcmId": null,
"password": null,
"createdDate": 1626937461039,
"id": null,
"status": null

Example Request
  { "contacts" : [
"addressLine1":"No 123",
], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"12342131234",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "firms":
{ "firmName":"Abc Pvt Ltd",
"firmType":"Private Limited",
{ "addressLine1":"No 1",
"addressLine2":"Street 1",
"addressLine3":"Area 1",
"landmark":"Landmark 1",
} ], "bankDetails":
{ "accountNumber":"1234352345",
"accountType":"Saving Account",
} ] } ], "proposalDetail":
}, "applicationNumber":"1234ADF",
"purpose":"Working Capital",

Example Response
  { "successMessage":
"message":"Application is successfully created"
  }   { "errorMessage":
"Invalid dob details",
"Invalid firm bank details"

Example Request
"curl --location --request
POST '/api/fileupload' \
--form '=@""'"

Example Response
       { "version":1,
"documentSource": https://entd.s3.amazonaws.com/34fead5f-8dcd-4a31-a02c-2f17619c896b.jpg"
"fields": [
{ "value":"913020047242662",
}, { "value":"Axis Bank",
}, { "value":"1",
} ] } }, "requestFlowId":56507,

Example Request
"requestFlowId": ",
"docName" : "LOAN_DOCUMENT"

Example Request
  { "accountNumber": 107924346722,
"netAmount": 48250,
"disbursementDate": “2020-08-26 00:00:00”,

Example Response
  { "createdDate":1624709705683,
"proposal" :
"firm" :
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",
"type":"Private Limited",
"fields":null } }, "applicationId":34045,
"loanStructure" :
"name":"EXI Term Loan",
"prioritizeCreditBureaus" :
{ "priority":1,
"creditBureau" :
} } ], "bankId":null,
}, "loanProduct" :
}, "omnifinId":null,
{ "priority":1,
{ "createdDate":1588357800000,
} } ],
"name":"Vishal firm pvt ltd",

Example Response
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"firmId": null,
"loantype": "EXI",
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"principal": 55000.0,
"penalty_rate": 0.06,
"rate": 0.14,
"tenure": 36,
"prepayment_rate": 0.0,
"disbursement_date": "27/07/2018",
"emi_day": 31,
  [ "15/08/2018",
  ], "past_installments":   [
  { "id": null,
"loan_id": 390,
"application_id": 11257,
"charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_computed": 0.0,
"charge_received": 0.0,
"charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_override": null,
"penalty_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_received": 0.0,
"penalty_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_override": null,
"due_principal_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_principal_computed": 1617.0,
"due_principal_received": 1617.0,
"due_principal_closing_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"due_interest_computed": 263.0,
"due_interest_received": 263.0,
"due_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_opening_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_computed": 0.0,
"other_charge_received": 0.0,
"other_charge_closing_balance": 0.0,
"other_charge_override": null,
"delayed_interest_opening_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_computed": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_received": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_closing_balance": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_override": null,
"prepayment_amount": 0.0,
"outstanding_principal_opening_balance": 22545.0,
"outstanding_principal_closing_balance": 20928.0,
"overflow_credit": 0.0,
"outstanding_charge": 0.0,
"received_amount": 1880.0,
"payment_date": "31/07/2020",
"expected_date": "31/07/2020",
"type": "SC",
"comment": "Previous OverFlow Credit Amount",
"dpd_status": null,
"pre_emi_interest": 0,
"penalty_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_computed": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_gst_opening_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_closing_balance": 0.0,
"charge_gst_computed": 0.0,
"charge_gst_received": 0.0,
"charge_waiver": 0.0,
"charge_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"other_charge_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_waiver": 0.0,
"penalty_gst_waiver": 0.0,
"delayed_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"due_principal_waiver": 0.0,
"due_interest_waiver": 0.0,
"tds_deducted": 0.0,
"capitalised_interest": 0.0,
"refund_amount": null
  ], "tranches": [   { "amount": 55000.0,
"date": "27/07/2018"
  ], "outstandingPrincipalAmount": 20928.0,
"tds_deducted": "0",
"firmName": null,
"bounceInstances": null,
"noOfEmis": 0,
"oldestDPD": null,
"totalEMIOverdue": null,
"paymentMode": null,
"pos": null,
"installment_type": null,
"installment_amount": null,
"payment_date": "31/12/2020",
"gf_installment_type": null,
"finezza_charges": [],
"waiver_amount": null,
"waiver_type": null,
"deferDate": null,
"accountNumber": null,
"netAmount": null,
"ifscCode": null,
"accountType": 0,
"bankName": null,
"accountMode": null,
"accountName": null,
"proposedAmount": null,
"disbursedAmount": null,
"request_id": 11257,
  { "percent": 2.25,
"due_principal": 1238,
"date": "31/08/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.28,
"due_principal": 1253,
"date": "30/09/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.3,
"due_principal": 1267,
"date": "31/10/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.33,
"due_principal": 1282,
"date": "30/11/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.36,
"due_principal": 1297,
"date": "31/12/2018",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.39,
"due_principal": 1312,
"date": "31/01/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.41,
"due_principal": 1328,
"date": "28/02/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.44,
"due_principal": 1343,
"date": "31/03/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.47,
"due_principal": 1359,
"date": "30/04/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.5,
"due_principal": 1375,
"date": "31/05/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.53,
"due_principal": 1391,
"date": "30/06/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.56,
"due_principal": 1407,
"date": "31/07/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.59,
"due_principal": 1423,
"date": "31/08/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.62,
"due_principal": 1440,
"date": "30/09/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.65,
"due_principal": 1457,
"date": "31/10/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.68,
"due_principal": 1474,
"date": "30/11/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.71,
"due_principal": 1491,
"date": "31/12/2019",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.74,
"due_principal": 1508,
"date": "31/01/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.77,
"due_principal": 1526,
"date": "29/02/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.81,
"due_principal": 1544,
"date": "31/03/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.84,
"due_principal": 1562,
"date": "30/04/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.87,
"due_principal": 1580,
"date": "31/05/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.91,
"due_principal": 1598,
"date": "30/06/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.94,
"due_principal": 1617,
"date": "31/07/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 2.97,
"due_principal": 1636,
"date": "31/08/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.01,
"due_principal": 1655,
"date": "30/09/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.04,
"due_principal": 1674,
"date": "31/10/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.08,
"due_principal": 1694,
"date": "30/11/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.12,
"due_principal": 1714,
"date": "31/12/2020",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.15,
"due_principal": 1734,
"date": "31/01/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.19,
"due_principal": 1754,
"date": "28/02/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.23,
"due_principal": 1774,
"date": "31/03/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.26,
"due_principal": 1795,
"date": "30/04/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.3,
"due_principal": 1816,
"date": "31/05/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.34,
"due_principal": 1837,
"date": "30/06/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  { "percent": 3.35,
"due_principal": 1845,
"date": "31/07/2021",
"is_moratorium": false
  ], "principal_percent": null,
"peak_availability_period": 0,
"sanctioned_amount": 55000.0,
"loanStatus": "NEW",
"collectionAssignee": null,
"collectionAssigneeName": null,
  { "limit": 55000,
"installment_no": 0,
"disbursementStatus": "NEW"
  ], "settlement_date": null,
"outflow_charges": [],
"closure_date": null,
"interest_schedule": [],
"payment_delay": 0,
"secondaryCollectionAssignee": null,
"secondaryCollectionAssigneeName": null,
"relationshipManager": null,
"collectionManager": null,
"nachLimit": null,
"loan_product": "Employee",
"custom_schedule": [],
"bankId": null,
"proposalId": null,
"numberOfEmis": 0,
"rate_type": "FLAT",
"min_prepayment_amount": null,
"prepayment_in_multiples_of": null,
"waterfall_id": 1,
"prepayment_upto_months": 0,
"tenure_shift": null,
"refund_amount": null

Example Request
 { "requestFlowIds" :    [ 12345,

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId":13241,
"message":"Application has been successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
   { "requestFlowIds" :  [ 12344
"paymentDate": "01/03/2021"

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId":46542,
{ "installment":0,
} ], "total_pos":90000.0,

Example Request
  { "requestFlowId": 12356,
"netAmount": 48543.0,
"uid": o6BLX,
"date": "29/07/2020",
"tenure": 3

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": 11234,
"uid": 06GHD,
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Successfully sanctioned"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12335,
"amount": 30000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "28/08/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "o8GHJ",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
  { "callBackUrl": " ",
    { "requestFlowId": 12345,
"amount": 10000,
"type": "PF",
"paymentMode": "UPI",
"date": "22/10/2019",
"comment":" ",
"uid": "cc345",

Example Response
  { "requestFlowId": "46547",
"status": "Accepted",
"message": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uid": "cc24"

Example Request
 { "uid":   [

Example Response
   { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc24",
    },    { "requestFlowId": 46449,
"amount": 110.0,
"paymentMode": "NACH",
"date": "18/03/2021",
"comment": "cc",
"uid": "cc25",
"status": "ACCEPTED"

Example Response
  { "id" :   { "timestamp":1591762709,
  }, "loanId":1439,
"principal_schedule" :
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":0.0,
  { "percent":1.66,
  { "percent":1.69,
  { "percent":1.72,
  { "percent":1.75,
  { "percent":1.78,
  { "percent":1.81,
  { "percent":1.84,
  { "percent":1.87,
  { "percent":1.9,
  { "percent":1.93,
  { "percent":1.96,
  { "percent":1.99,
  { "percent":2.03,
  { "percent":2.06,
  { "percent":2.1,
  { "percent":2.13,
  { "percent":2.17,
  { "percent":2.2,
  { "percent":2.24,
  { "percent":2.28,
  { "percent":2.31,
  { "percent":2.35,
  { "percent":2.39,
  { "percent":2.43,
  { "percent":2.47,
  { "percent":2.51,
  { "percent":2.56,
  { "percent":2.6,
  { "percent":2.64,
  { "percent":2.69,
  { "percent":2.73,
  { "percent":2.78,
  { "percent":2.82,
  { "percent":2.87,
  { "percent":2.92,
  { "percent":2.97,
  { "percent":3.02,
  { "percent":3.07,
  { "percent":3.12,
  { "percent":3.17,
  { "percent":3.22,
  { "percent":3.27,
  ], "deleted":false,